Tuesday, September 21, 2010

one month in

Well, things are still going good down here in MS. I feel like the weather hasn't realized that it is now officially fall and that it should now be getting cooler, or at least staying out of the 90s, but no. There seem to be other plans in the works.

School is going well. I have my first writing assignment due this Thursday. It's the Discussion Section of a Memo, which basically means I have to write about two pages of what a the rule we're applying is, explain said rule, and then analyze all the arguments either side could make in their favor. I finished my draft of it today, and am taking it in tomorrow to get looked over. So that's due on Thursday, and then 5 days later (the following Tuesday), I have another Discussion Section due on an even longer problem. *sigh* I know this is probably going to be my most important class, but I liked not really having homework the first month of classes. :) The good thing (I guess it's good) is that Legal Research and Writing both end on Nov. 15, before Thanksgiving. :-D My other classes are going well too. Moving right along. In Contracts we're learning about Restitution, in property we're learning about Fee Simple Defensible, and estates in general (in other words, when you make your will, please please please use exact legal terms so there is no confusion as to your intent). In Torts we're covering negligence still and have moved onto slip and fall cases and res ipsa loquitur (home school people... what does that mean???). I'm curious how someone doesn't see an over-sized arm chair coming out a window at them. Lol. And Civil Procedure is all about Personal Jurisdiction currently. I'm learning a ton, if you couldn't tell! :)

Other things going on.... It's football season!!!! September has 3 home games in a row, so I'm super excited for Saturdays in September. Generally on Friday nights I'll go out with a bunch of law school friends, and then Saturday is the game, generally with the same group, and then Saturday night we go out again. Sunday becomes our day of "rest"/do homework!!! :) This past weekend one of my really good friends Jessie came up and saw me along with her five year old daughter. We had a blast, and got a little sunburned while we were at it. It was very amusing because Zoe (5 year old) was flirting with all the guys at one of the tents. It was so cute, and reminded Jessie and I that it's a good thing we have a Marine, Army Ranger, and Police Officer as her "uncles".

This week is going to be pretty long because of all the stuff that needs to get done, but I'm looking forward to the night game on Saturday, which equals sleeping in!!!! :-D What a concept.

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