Thursday, August 28, 2008

School begins

So I have officially started my first year of school. I started yesterday and have had 4 of my 6 classes. This year I'm taking Basic Reporting, Media Theory and Research, Second World War, Strategic Public Relations, Audio Production and Voice. So far, all of my classes have proved to be nothing like I thought they would be. It's weird how things you imagine one way, always seem to turn out a different way.

Basic reporting was my first class yesterday. I was going to take it last spring but was encouraged by many people (including my adviser) to wait until the fall since we would have a new professor (and when your adviser suggests it, you listen). So I went to class yesterday, and was informed that we would be reverting back to middle school in that class. We would be taking spelling and geography quizzes every Friday, in addition to our AP style quizzes. I was very shocked at that. I haven't had a spelling test since elementary school I think. We also have to read the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, New York Times, and Evansville Courier and Press like every day. Oh joy. What is it with teachers and making students read the newspaper?

My Media Theory and Research class is taught by my adviser, who was also my web production teacher, so at least I'm already used to his style of teaching. It turns out that this class is a repeat of a class I took spring semester of my freshman year, but instead of working in a group for a research proposal, I get to do it on my own. So woohoo for more work.

Today I had my Second World War class with Dr. James Macleod, he's Scottish. :) I'm really looking forward to this class, because I've always loved learning about World War II. This year is going to be way interesting. I have a group presentation over the propaganda in WWII and a term paper comparing and contrasting how prison camps in different countries treated their prisoners. And of course, there's his accent to enjoy when he's lecturing. :-D

I also had PR today, and we were informed that we get to be the guinea pig class this year. Over the summer, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences went to a bunch of conferences where they were emphasizing distance learning, and Evansville is very traditional in their teaching methods for the most part, but the wanted to try and adapt this new style of learning for some classes and see if it would work, so my PR class, was one that got volunteered to do it. So instead of meeting every Tuesday and Thursday, we will only meet on Tuesdays. I was pretty intrigued by this, which means I only have one class on Thursdays... another woo hoo please. :)

I haven't had the other two yet, but it's ok, because I've had sorority things to keep me busy. We have recruitment coming up September 10 - 14. Which means I moved in a week before everyone else so we could begin practicing. We practice conversation, cheering, rotating, name song, other songs, and skits. I think it will be a lot of fun. There's a lot of things that go into recruitment, but I will save that for another day.

Feels good to be blogging again, it's been about two years since I did it in Harlaxton. Should be fun. Now it's off to discipline. Oh geez.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, I enjoying reading your blogs. Looking forward to what you have to say.

SWTrigal said...

YOu are on my Google Reader now! Welcome to blogworld..
Love, Aunt Debi :)