Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3 weeks in

Wow. These past few weeks have really flown by. I'm finishing up my third week here at Ole Miss, and having a blast. Other than the craziness last week (car breaking down, and getting freaked out while I was home by myself) all has been pretty awesome. My classes are fairly interesting. Property Law is by far my favorite. I think it's because I just get the subject matter, and so it's easy, and therefore I enjoy it a lot more. Civil Procedure puts me to sleep. Torts is pretty interesting. I have mixed feelings about Contracts. The prof is pretty cool (today he illustrated one of the cases by climbing up on top of the podium and jumping off while having us all bang our books on the table) but his teaching style is a little strange to me, so that's kind of hard. Then I also have Legal Writing and Research. Those are two separate classes, and Research only meets every other week, so that's nice. I don't know what I think about those classes yet other than the profs are pretty cool. All in all though, school is school. I go to class, I take notes, I come home and read for four hours taking more notes, and generally by 6 I'm done for the evening, which makes it a lot easier to treat like a job (which was one of the biggest pieces of advice that I got).

I have made several friends, and we go out on a weekly basis to the Square (kind of like Beale St, except a square :-D). We have our general haunts already. We're trying to get a weekly trivia team going. We did our first week last week, but this week got cancelled b/c no one did anything over Labor Day Weekend. We've also already had our first Law School party, which was fun. And of course, our first football game was last weekend. We lost in double overtime, but it was a good game. Before the game everyone goes and tailgates in the grove, and it is a massive affair. I had a blast! I cannot wait to do it again next weekend! Tonight, I am going to a concert. I am making my little sister wildly jealous and going to see Luke Bryan. I am really looking forward to that. I have also started an experiment this week, which will hopefully continue, and that is getting up a half hour earlier and going running/walking before I head to school. So far so good. :)

That's a quick synopsis of my life currently. It's still perfect, and I still wouldn't change a single thing. I am happier than I think I have been in ages. I walk around with a big smile on my face. I think I must look ridiculous sometimes, but I don't care.

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