Friday, August 20, 2010


So Wednesday was the first day or Orientation. It went from 9 - 5 (or was supposed to, it was really like 9-3). We spent the morning in the auditorium on campus having so much information given to us, I thought my head was going to explode. I don't remember half of it. We had a lecture about what law is, and then were introduced to various student councils like the LSSB and Honor council, as well as the law school registrar, and the financial aid office. After that we met our small group leaders, and got in our groups of about 8 - 10, and went to lunch. I'm a big fan of small groups, just because it gives you a stepping stone to meeting the other 190 people in our class. After lunch we went back to the auditorium for a lecture on how to brief/outline a case, and then we went back over to the law school building and had a "break out" session, which basically meant we had about four 2 and 3Ls come and tell us about the first week of classes, and what to expect this semester. They also gave us the inside scoop on all our professors. That was nice. After that was the ice cream social, and I got to walk around meeting more people.

Thursday was supposed to go from 9 to 3, or at least that's what the countless emails we got said, but on the program we got on Wednesday, at the top, it said 9:30 - 3 for Thursday, but about 3/4 of the class didn't see that (including myself, I wonder if it was the first test). We spent the first hour in the auditorium listening to various speeches from various alumni, and then went over to the law school and had our professionalism seminar... basically we were given a bunch of ethical problems to discuss. It was fun. After that was lunch. I think the idea was that the 1Ls and alums were supposed to mingle, but that didn't really happen. After that all the 1Ls had to get their picture taken. Section 3 went first, then 1, then 2. I'm in Section 2, so I had to wait until 2 to go get in line. In the meantime I got the wireless key so I can get onto the Law School's wireless, and then I went and met some more people. I actually just randomly sat at a table, and it was full of people from section 1. They were all really cool, and one of them is holding a potluck on Saturday that I got invited to. I also met a few more guys in section 2. One of them was working on getting a group together to go to the home football games. So now, I also have someone to tailgate, and sit with. :-D

So far, I'm really liking law school. I'm definitely pushing myself out of my comfort zone by putting myself out there to meet people, but I haven't been disappointed yet. :) I have a goal to meet everyone in my section, and actually know them by name by the end of the semester. There's only 70 of us, so I think it is totally doable. It's the meeting people outside my section that will be hard, because my classes are only with the people in my section. Someone told me this week that going to Law School is like going back to high school, because you're with the same people day in and day out, and the years are so small (200 students is the biggest number they have had, possibly ever) that news travels fast. Good to know I think. I am totally ready for classes to start! Tonight though, I'm heading out on the town (at least until 1am when all the bars close, Lol).

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