Thursday, September 11, 2008

fun things!

So about 2 or 3 weeks ago I found out that Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift are preforming in Louisville on the 18th of September. At the time I thought, wouldn't that be the coolest concert to see? I bet I can't get anyone to go with me (I usually seem to be the only one with money of my friends). So I've had it in the back of my mind for a while now. The other day I mentioned to my roommate Amanda that they were playing, and she was like we should totally go! I was way excited. I looked up ticket prices and they were about $60 including the convience charge. I told her and she was like... let's do it! I was like SWEET!!!! So today I bought the tickets and we are offically going to Louisville to see a concert, for the most part, on a whim. :) Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, the 18th is on a Thursday. It's a week from today in fact. We are leaving about 2:45 and will get there around 5:45 (2 hour drive, but they're an hour ahead). The concert is at 8, so we're going to eat dinner with some friends who live in Louisville. After the concert we'll drive back because we each have class the next morning, mine at 9 and hers at 10.

The best part about it is, that Recruitment ends on Sunday, which means I'll be able to get caught up on all my homework, and not have to worry about it that night. Woot!

Speaking of recruitment... we had our first night last night. It was so good. All the girls did great talking to the PNMs (potential new members), and pretty much everything went off perfectly. Now let's talk numbers. We have 47 women currently in our chapter (we lost a lot of seniors). 3 of those women are in Harlaxton, another 7 are Gamma Chis meaning they are technically unaffiliated until Sunday. So that leaves 37. Last night we had 11 with night classes, so that left us with 26 women. 4 of us are rotation leaders, dropping us to 22, and we have 2 refernce chairmen, 20, and our membership director isn't allowed to talk to women, 19. About 130 women signed up to go through recruitment. Each party has an average of 26 women in it. Obviously 19 to 26 is not a good ratio. So inorder to help with this delima, we had some sisters from Indiana University (Delta Alpha chapter) to help us with recruitment. That was pretty cool. We got to hear about their recruitment, which is a little different.

So last night went pretty well. We had a few girls that had to take doubles, but that's ok, b/c it was a lot fewer than would have had to. It's kind of akward to be in a double though. I wa sin one when I went through, and I'm pretty shy, so I didn't really talk a lot, and it's hard on the other side b/c you have to keep the PNMs engaged, and if they have completely opposite interests, it's hard.

Tonight will be better, we only have 3 or 4 with night classes, so that's good. Tonight it philnathropy night when they hear about our national philanthropy (Children's Miracle Network), our local philanthropy (Riley Hospital for Children), and out finances (how much their bill will be).

So yeah, that's about it. The only other exciting thing about today was that we had a really good discussion on whether the interent is a good source of propaganda, and we deicded yes and no. Hope everyone has a good day and a good weekend.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Sounds like a fun concert!
Love Mom